All clinical services attract a 10% discount at Savvy Audiology upon presentation of a valid Senior’s Card.
Simply enter the code seniorcard when using our convenient online booking system.
30-45 minutes
Savvy Audiology offers hearing assessments for adults. Testing includes air and bone conduction plus speech assessment.
Speech discrimination testing provides useful information regarding the real life consequences of the hearing impairment. Knowledge of how one processes what is heard, can empower an individual to actively engage in communicative strategies to assist in challenging listening environments.
Referrals from GPs, neurologists or Ear, Nose and Throat specialists attract a Medicare rebate.
60 minutes
Person centred care is at the core of Savvy Audiology. This type of consultation will focus on the individual circumstances and in particular, the day to day consequences of the hearing loss for the person. Depending on the type of hearing loss and speech discrimination abilities, this appointment will address aspects such as managing the hearing loss, awareness of and dealing with the consequences of sensory loss, how to communicate your hearing loss to friends and family and why a hearing aid or cochlear implant may or may not be a possible option to help treat the impairment. This consultation is also available to clients who have already seen someone about their hearing loss, maybe been fitted with a hearing device, and would like to go through their hearing health plan for further clarification.
30-45 minutes
This assessment will confirm hearing status prior to commencement of kindergarten and/or school. It is also recommended for those children prior to speech pathology intervention.
For any parent seeking reassurance that their child is hearing well, Savvy Audiology recommends booking an appointment. Gina has spent time working as a paediatric audiologist over the years and works well with young people.
60 minutes
In accordance with our hearing healthcare approach, Savvy recognises and advocates for family involvement wherever possible if the hearing impaired individual indicates this desire. In the clinical setting, we recommend and actively encourage a family member or carer to attend appointments so he or she is also educated about the impact of sensory loss on quality of life. Savvy Audiology specialises in communication training and enjoys immensely the quality of life transformations that occur.
60 minutes
Savvy Audiology has witnessed the stagnant nature of hearing healthcare within Australia’s aged care sector for over a decade and wishes to change this landscape so that everyone has hearing health on their agenda.
We would love the opportunity to visit your business and help ensure all staff are educated about hearing loss, hearing aids and better able to communicate with your residents.
30 minutes (prices vary depending on type of plug)
As a musician herself, Gina recommends hearing protection for professional musicians – classical, jazz, rock, brass band, all genres – and for anyone working in noisy environments. Recreational shooters, builders, cleaners, machine operators and truck drivers are just a few professions where noise levels often reach dangerous levels.
Savvy Audiology offers a discount to any business who wishes to provide hearing protection for their employees. The price for this assessment does not include the actual cost of the ear plug.
Some employers require a hearing assessment prior to beginning employment and on a regular basis once employed. Savvy Audiology offers a discount to any business that recognises noise pollution and seeks to prioritise hearing health in their employees.
Education, awareness and collaboration are three vital components of Savvy Audiology’s person centred care approach and we welcome any business who joins us in helping to put hearing health on everyone’s agenda.
Tympanometry helps to diagnose and monitor conditions of the middle ear. It can be useful in determining if your hearing loss can be helped by hearing aids or if medical intervention is necessary.
Please note that if you are prone to wax build up it is necessary to have this removed by your GP prior to the test.
Standard earmould impression for both the adult and paediatric population. Please ensure ears are free of wax and infection prior to booking this appointment.
Any large mastoid cavities must be packed by your ENT specialist prior to us performing an impression. Price does not include the cost of the mould.
This appointment provides new hearing aid users with extra support in management of the aids and counselling to ensure optimal outcomes are achieved. Savvy Audiology understands it may take time to adjust to the new sound and some fine tuning of settings may be required in the initial stages.
We encourage all clients to attend a follow up appointment.