Savvy Insight is a journal intended to complement the current service delivery of hearing healthcare within the Australian context. It will encompass variables such as language, culture, polypharmacy, the environment, neurodegenerative conditions, gerontology, ageing well, quality of life, assessment and evaluation in the audiology clinic, reliability, validity and hearing healthcare in a multicultural society, in an endeavour to promote person and family centred care.
Impetus for the Journal
Savvy Audiology is passionate about caring for the elderly, some of the most vulnerable in our society. An ageing individual often presents with comorbidities including sensory loss, reduced mobility, neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, mental health conditions and respiratory disease. Audiologists focus on sensory impairment and its impact on quality of life. With the ageing population rising rapidly, the prudent study of gerontology and associated comorbidities, will help guide healthcare professionals and promote preventive strategies and better management of disease.
Topics presented in Savvy Insight are contemporary and highly relevant in all clinics offering hearing services in Australia including:
- person and family centred care
- aural rehabilitation
- intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting individuals who present in the audiology clinic
- reliability and validity
- the importance of authentic material for aural rehabilitation and communication training
- neurodegenerative disease
- the importance of comprehensible and meaningful input
- linguistic performance in the audiology clinic
- the home visit client
- healthy and positive ageing
- quality of care
- polypharmacy in the elderly
- chronic illness
- decision making in the audiology clinic
- exacerbating factors in the audiology clinic
- dementia in audiology
Savvy Audiology also offers a wealth of information completely free when you subscribe to our newsletter Savvy Society.
Feature Content
Savvy Insight will offer a feature segment on the aged care system in Australia, specifically the options available to those needing to move into aged care, the financial ramifications of the various options and professional financial advice to help individuals and their families make an informed decision. Aged care is complex and the demand for aged care services is high. Our feature will be written by Gerard, an experienced financial expert and an accredited aged care advisor, with over 2o years of financial planning experience. He can assist with monetary decisions regarding funding aged care solutions in Australia and the implications on aged pension benefits.
Advertising Opportunities
If you wish to advertise in Savvy Insight the rates (including GST) are as follows:
Back Cover $800
Inside Front Cover $650
Half Page $390
All artwork must be supplied as high resolution PDF files with all fonts embedded. Ensure there is between 3mm and 5mm bleed. All colour elements should be CMYK. Artwork can be accepted via email or USB stick.
Savvy Insight is a monthly publication and any business wishing to advertise with us must provide their artwork five weeks prior to publication.
Subscription Details
Savvy Insight is available to purchase from the Savvy Audiology website.
Price is $3.99 for the e-journal and $8.99 (GST and Australia wide postage inclusive) for hard copy – First Edition only).
International prices will vary depending on location. Please contact us for further details.

What People Say About Savvy Insight
Essential Reading for all interested in Ageing, Wellness & Hearing Health
Savvy Insight is an engaging read, bringing together information on hearing health and ageing well within an Australian context.
Written in an accessible and thought provoking way, with practical advice and a warm focus on patient and family centred care, Savvy Insight appeals to a wide audience with an interest in Hearing Health & Ageing Well.
Very Informative. Easy to read. Easy to understand.
Congratulations on your first edition, Gina. There is nothing like this available. I look forward to the ones to come.
I have had two sets of aids fitted by Gina going back some years now, and I will only allow Gina to do the next when the time comes.
Congratulations once again.
Refreshing and Professional
May I say how much I enjoyed reading the January 2020, inaugural edition. It was indeed what it professed to be. It was passionate and showed clearly your want to promote person and family centred care. As an “older Australian” (as you respectfully term us), I found it conveyed a strong understanding and gave common sense appraisals of real life situations in which we find ourselves. I am in the bracket of those beginning to appreciate some hearing loss, but I now totally know where my first port of call will be when testing time is needed (in the not too distant future!).
Congrats on edition one. Refreshing and illuminating.
I confess I am looking forward to the advertised feature of your next edition, when Gerard attacks an equally huge issue.
Well done.
Well done, Savvy Insight!
Congratulations on your first edition of Savvy Insight! Not only is it professionally produced and highly informative, but it is also easy to read and understand. Your range of topics is very relevant today. I look forward to your future editions.