Our Principal Audiologist Gina, has been working in healthcare for almost twenty years. Prior to opening her own clinic, she worked as an Adult and Paediatric Specialist Audiologist in rural and regional southern Queensland. Gina is currently in the final stages of post-graduate cancer studies through the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. Gina recognises a need for dynamic, reciprocal and interactive patient-clinician communication in cancer care and in audiology practice. Standard of care is constantly evolving and patient education is key to ensuring patients are empowered to make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Savvy Audiology is a family owned, independent provider, your local advocate for hearing health. Our clinic is located at 9 View Street, South Toowoomba and we are welcoming new clients.
We also offer the only mobile audiology clinic in Toowoomba.
Savvy Audiology is fully accredited under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (HSP). If you fall into any of the categories below, you may be eligible to receive a range of free services and fully or partially subsidised hearing devices under the HSP.
- A Pensioner Concession Card holder
- Receiving Sickness Allowance from Centrelink
- A Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Gold Card holder
- A Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) White Card holder issued for specific conditions including hearing loss
- A dependent of a person in one of the above categories
- A member of the Australian Defence Force
- A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant with hearing needs or
- Referred by Disability Employment Services (Disability Management Services) Program
To check your eligibility click on the link below.
Please contact us at gina@savvyaudiology.com or on 0409 280803 if you would like to book an appointment or require assistance checking your eligibility.
Savvy Audiology is registered with Medicare. Referrals for diagnostic audiology services from a GP, ENT or Neurologist attract a Medicare rebate. If you are on a Chronic Disease Management Plan with your General Practitioner, this also attracts a rebate.
If you are on a My Aged Care Plan and have a hearing impairment, you may be able to use part of this package to fund hearing devices and accessories as well as ongoing audiological support from us.
DVA holders are eligible for hearing services through the Hearing Services Program (HSP). Funding for hearing devices, assistive listening devices and tinnitus counselling are some of the options available.
Some private health providers offer inclusions such as audiological consultations and hearing devices. Please contact your health insurance provider who will be able to inform you of your eligibility for hearing related services.
Quote of the Week
True strength is not measured by how much you can overpower others, but by how much you can empower them.
Bobby J. Mattingly
Founded by one passionate individual – a specialist audiologist who has worked in the industry for many years – Savvy Audiology believes in empowering the individual, encouraging inclusivity and independence, and communicating with all stakeholders, so that hearing health is on everyone’s agenda.
For many years, certain aspects within the landscape of hearing healthcare have remained stagnant. The focus on hearing aids and assistive listening devices is only one small part of addressing hearing loss in our communities.
All clinical services attract a 10% discount at Savvy Audiology upon presentation of a valid Seniors Card.
Our Services
Adult Diagnostic Hearing Assessment
Paediatric Diagnostic Hearing Assessment
Hearing Aid Fittings and Adjustments
Aural Rehabilitation
Workplace Hearing Screening
Custom made Earplugs and Ear moulds
Tympanometry (middle ear assessment)
Communication Training
Savvy Audiology has worked with the elderly in nursing homes in Southern Queensland for over fifteen years. Our knowledge regarding the effects of hearing impairment and its associated consequences in this population is extensive.
To remain connected in a hearing world, one needs to be able to hear and use a variety of communication strategies to support the auditory information.
With other health conditions taking priority, hearing impairment is often neglected and this causes frustration and heartache for not only the individual affected but also partners, family members, carers, allied health professionals, medical specialists and aged care staff.
Having worked with the paediatric population Savvy Audiology understands the importance of open communication.
For optimal learning and language development, the hearing impaired child, the parent(s), carers, school friends, teachers, sporting coaches, dance instructors and numerous health professionals all need to be made aware of and informed about the specific hearing difficulties and how to best address them in both private and educational settings.
Savvy Audiology is endeavouring to engage all stakeholders in addressing the hearing health of young Australians.

The Savvy Blog
The Earmould
Over the years, a common discussion encountered in clinic has been surrounding the infamous earmould. Working with individuals suffering from predominantly severe to profound hearing losses, my personal experience highlights a general lack of [...]
Attitude towards Older Age and the delivery of Hearing Services in Australia
11 March 2020 How are attitudes towards older Australians shaped? Is it the initial appointment in the clinic, at the nursing home, the relationships formed with Grandparents or social stereotypes? How does one ‘get [...]
The Skill of Listening – Awareness in the Audiology Clinic
Receiving an acoustic signal, recognising whether this signal is language and if so, applying cognitive functions to make the aural input comprehensible, is a complex task. This meaningful input is not guaranteed, especially for [...]
In The Media

Savvy Insight Journal
Savvy Insight is a journal intended to complement the current service delivery of hearing healthcare within the Australian context. It will encompass variables such as language, culture, poly-pharmacy, environment, neurodegenerative conditions, gerontology, ageing well, quality of life, assessment and evaluation in the audiology clinic, reliability and validity and hearing healthcare in a multicultural society, in an endeavour to promote person and family centred care.
Feature content
Savvy Insight will offer a feature segment on the aged care system in Australia, specifically the options available to those needing to move into aged care, the financial ramifications of the various options and professional financial advice to help individuals and their families make an informed decision.
Savvy Insight is available exclusively from the Savvy Audiology website.
What People Say About Savvy Insight
Essential Reading for all interested in Ageing, Wellness & Hearing Health
Savvy Insight is an engaging read, bringing together information on hearing health and ageing well within an Australian context.
Written in an accessible and thought provoking way, with practical advice and a warm focus on patient and family centred care, Savvy Insight appeals to a wide audience with an interest in Hearing Health & Ageing Well.
Very Informative. Easy to read. Easy to understand.
Congratulations on your first edition, Gina. There is nothing like this available. I look forward to the ones to come.
I have had two sets of aids fitted by Gina going back some years now, and I will only allow Gina to do the next when the time comes.
Congratulations once again.
Refreshing and Professional
May I say how much I enjoyed reading the January 2020, inaugural edition. It was indeed what it professed to be. It was passionate and showed clearly your want to promote person and family centred care. As an “older Australian” (as you respectfully term us), I found it conveyed a strong understanding and gave common sense appraisals of real life situations in which we find ourselves. I am in the bracket of those beginning to appreciate some hearing loss, but I now totally know where my first port of call will be when testing time is needed (in the not too distant future!).
Congrats on edition one. Refreshing and illuminating.
I confess I am looking forward to the advertised feature of your next edition, when Gerard attacks an equally huge issue.
Well done.
Well done, Savvy Insight!
Congratulations on your first edition of Savvy Insight! Not only is it professionally produced and highly informative, but it is also easy to read and understand. Your range of topics is very relevant today. I look forward to your future editions.